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NanoXLSX.Styles Namespace

Sub-namespace for style definitions, style handling and (static) basic styles
Public classAbstractStyle Class represents an abstract style component
Public classAbstractStyleAppendAttribute Attribute designated to control the copying of style properties
Public classAppendAttribute Attribute designated to control the copying of style properties
Public classBasicStyles Factory class with the most important predefined styles
Private classBasicStylesStyleEnum Enum with style selection
Public classBorder Class representing a Border entry. The Border entry is used to define frames and cell borders
Public classBorderStyleValue Enum for the border style
Public classCellXf Class representing an XF entry. The XF entry is used to make reference to other style instances like Border or Fill and for the positioning of the cell content
Public classCellXfHorizontalAlignValue Enum for the horizontal alignment of a cell
Public classCellXfTextBreakValue Enum for text break options
Public classCellXfTextDirectionValue Enum for the general text alignment direction
Public classCellXfVerticalAlignValue Enum for the vertical alignment of a cell
Public classFill Class representing a Fill (background) entry. The Fill entry is used to define background colors and fill patterns
Public classFillFillType Enum for the type of the color
Public classFillPatternValue Enum for the pattern values
Public classFont Class representing a Font entry. The Font entry is used to define text formatting
Public classFontSchemeValue Enum for the font scheme
Public classFontUnderlineValue Enum for the style of the underline property of a stylized text
Public classFontVerticalAlignValue Enum for the vertical alignment of the text from base line
Public classNumberFormat Class representing a NumberFormat entry. The NumberFormat entry is used to define cell formats like currency or date
Public classNumberFormatFormatNumber Enum for predefined number formats
Public classNumberFormatFormatRange Range or validity of the format number
Public classStyle Class representing a Style with sub classes within a style sheet. An instance of this class is only a container for the different sub-classes. These sub-classes contain the actual styling information.
Protected classStyleManager Class representing a style manager to maintain all styles and its components of a workbook. This class is only internally used to compose the style environment right before saving an XLSX file
Public classStyleRepository Class to manage all styles at runtime, before writing XLSX files. The main purpose is deduplication and decoupling of styles from workbooks at runtime