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Border Properties

The StyleBorder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBottomColor Gets or sets the color code of the bottom border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyBottomStyle Gets or sets the style of bottom cell border
Public propertyDiagonalColor Gets or sets the color code of the diagonal lines. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyDiagonalDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether DiagonalDown Gets or sets whether the downwards diagonal line is used. If true, the line is used
Public propertyDiagonalStyle Gets or sets the style of the diagonal lines
Public propertyDiagonalUp Gets or sets a value indicating whether DiagonalUp Gets or sets whether the upwards diagonal line is used. If true, the line is used
Public propertyInternalID Gets or sets the internal ID for sorting purpose in the Excel style document (nullable)
(Inherited from AbstractStyle)
Public propertyLeftColor Gets or sets the color code of the left border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyLeftStyle Gets or sets the style of left cell border
Public propertyRightColor Gets or sets the color code of the right border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyRightStyle Gets or sets the style of right cell border
Public propertyTopColor Gets or sets the color code of the top border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyTopStyle Gets or sets the style of top cell border
See Also