| Class | Description |
 | AbstractStyle |
Class represents an abstract style component
 | AbstractStyleAppendAttribute |
Attribute designated to control the copying of style properties
 | Cell |
Class representing a cell of a worksheet
 | CellAddress |
Struct representing the cell address as column and row (zero based)
 | CellAddressScope |
Enum to define the scope of a passed address string (used in static context)
 | CellAddressType |
Enum for the referencing style of the address
 | CellBasicFormulas |
Class for handling of basic Excel formulas
 | CellCellType |
Enum defines the basic data types of a cell
 | CellRange |
Struct representing a cell range with a start and end address
 | FormatException |
Class for exceptions regarding format error incidents
 | IOException |
Class for exceptions regarding stream or save error incidents
 | LowLevel |
Class for low level handling (XML, formatting, packing)
 | LowLevelDocumentPath |
Class to manage XML document paths
 | LowLevelDynamicRow |
Class representing a row that is either empty or containing cells. Empty rows can also carry information about height or visibility
 | LowLevelSortedMap |
Class to manage key value pairs (string / string). The entries are in the order how they were added
 | Metadata |
Class representing the meta data of a workbook
 | RangeException |
Class for exceptions regarding range incidents (e.g. out-of-range)
 | Style |
Class representing a Style with sub classes within a style sheet. An instance of this class is only a container for the different sub-classes. These sub-classes contain the actual styling information
 | StyleBasicStyles |
Factory class with the most important predefined styles
 | StyleBasicStylesStyleEnum |
Enum with style selection
 | StyleBorder |
Class representing a Border entry. The Border entry is used to define frames and cell borders
 | StyleBorderStyleValue |
Enum for the border style
 | StyleCellXf |
Class representing an XF entry. The XF entry is used to make reference to other style instances like Border or Fill and for the positioning of the cell content
 | StyleCellXfHorizontalAlignValue |
Enum for the horizontal alignment of a cell
 | StyleCellXfTextBreakValue |
Enum for text break options
 | StyleCellXfTextDirectionValue |
Enum for the general text alignment direction
 | StyleCellXfVerticalAlignValue |
Enum for the vertical alignment of a cell
 | StyleFill |
Class representing a Fill (background) entry. The Fill entry is used to define background colors and fill patterns
 | StyleFillFillType |
Enum for the type of the color
 | StyleFillPatternValue |
Enum for the pattern values
 | StyleFont |
Class representing a Font entry. The Font entry is used to define text formatting
 | StyleFontSchemeValue |
Enum for the font scheme
 | StyleFontUnderlineValue |
Enum for the style of the underline property of a stylized text
 | StyleFontVerticalAlignValue |
Enum for the vertical alignment of the text from base line
 | StyleNumberFormat |
Class representing a NumberFormat entry. The NumberFormat entry is used to define cell formats like currency or date
 | StyleNumberFormatFormatNumber |
Enum for predefined number formats
 | StyleNumberFormatFormatRange |
Range or validity of the format number
 | StyleException |
Class for exceptions regarding Style incidents
 | StyleManager |
Class representing a style manager to maintain all styles and its components of a workbook
 | StyleRepository |
Class to manage all styles at runtime, before writing XLSX files. The main purpose is deduplication and decoupling of styles from workbooks at runtime
 | Workbook |
Class representing a workbook
 | WorkbookShortener |
Class to provide access to the current worksheet with a shortened syntax. Note: The WS object can be null if the workbook was created without a worksheet. The object will be available as soon as the current worksheet is defined
 | Worksheet |
Class representing a worksheet of a workbook
 | WorksheetCellDirection |
Enum to define the direction when using AddNextCell method
 | WorksheetColumn |
Class representing a column of a worksheet
 | WorksheetSheetProtectionValue |
Enum to define the possible protection types when protecting a worksheet
 | WorksheetSheetViewType |
Enum to define how a worksheet is displayed in the spreadsheet application (Excel)
 | WorksheetWorksheetPane |
Enum to define the pane position or active pane in a slip worksheet
 | WorksheetException |
Class for exceptions regarding worksheet incidents