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LowLevel Class

Class for low level handling (XML, formatting, packing)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PicoXLSX
Assembly: PicoXLSX (in PicoXLSX.dll) Version: 3.4.2+f55916d49ef2baa43fc7dc8f5c7d751a77c50baf
internal class LowLevel

The LowLevel type exposes the following members.

Private methodStatic memberLowLevel 
Public methodLowLevel Initializes a new instance of the LowLevel class
Private methodAppendSharedString Method to append shared string values and to handle leading or trailing white spaces
Private methodAppendXmlTag Method to append a simple XML tag with an enclosed value to the passed StringBuilder
Private methodAppendXmlToPackagePart Writes raw XML strings into the passed Package Part
Private methodCalculatePaneHeight Method to calculate the pane height, based on the number of rows
Private methodCalculatePaneWidth Method to calculate the pane width, based on the number of columns
Private methodCreateAppPropertiesDocument Method to create the app-properties (part of meta data) as raw XML string
Private methodCreateAppString Method to create the XML string for the app-properties document
Private methodCreateColsString Method to create the columns as XML string. This is used to define the width of columns
Private methodCreateCorePropertiesDocument Method to create the core-properties (part of meta data) as raw XML string
Private methodCreateCorePropertiesString Method to create the XML string for the core-properties document
Private methodCreateMergedCellsString Method to create the merged cells string of the passed worksheet
Private methodCreateMruColorsString Method to create the XML string for the color-MRU part of the style sheet document (recent colors)
Private methodCreatePaneString Method to create the (sub) part of the pane (splitting and freezing) within the worksheet XML document
Private methodCreateRowsString Method to create the enclosing part of the rows
Private methodCreateRowString Method to create a row string
Private methodCreateSharedStringsDocument Method to create shared strings as raw XML string
Private methodCreateSheetProtectionString Method to create the protection string of the passed worksheet
Private methodCreateSheetViewString Method to create the (sub) part of the worksheet view (selected cells and panes) within the worksheet XML document
Private methodCreateStyleBorderString Method to create the XML string for the border part of the style sheet document
Private methodCreateStyleFillString Method to create the XML string for the fill part of the style sheet document
Private methodCreateStyleFontString Method to create the XML string for the font part of the style sheet document
Private methodCreateStyleNumberFormatString Method to create the XML string for the number format part of the style sheet document
Private methodCreateStyleSheetDocument Method to create a style sheet as raw XML string
Private methodCreateStyleXfsString Method to create the XML string for the XF part of the style sheet document
Private methodCreateWorkbookDocument Method to create a workbook as raw XML string
Private methodCreateWorkbookProtectionString Method to create the (sub) part of the workbook protection within the workbook XML document
Private methodCreateWorksheetPart Method to create a worksheet part as a raw XML string
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberEscapeXmlAttributeChars Method to escape XML characters in an XML attribute
Public methodStatic memberEscapeXmlChars Method to escape XML characters between two XML tags
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGeneratePasswordHash Method to generate an Excel internal password hash to protect workbooks or worksheets
This method is derived from the c++ implementation by Kohei Yoshida (
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalColumnWidth Calculates the internal width of a column in characters. This width is used only in the XML documents of worksheets and is usually not exposed to the (Excel) end user
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalPaneSplitHeight Calculates the internal height of a split pane in a worksheet. This height is used only in the XML documents of worksheets and is not exposed to the (Excel) user
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalPaneSplitWidth Calculates the internal width of a split pane in a worksheet. This width is used only in the XML documents of worksheets and is not exposed to the (Excel) end user
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalRowHeight Calculates the internal height of a row. This height is used only in the XML documents of worksheets and is usually not exposed to the (Excel) end user
Public methodStatic memberGetOADateTimeString Method to convert a date or date and time into the internal Excel time format (OAdate)
Public methodStatic memberGetOATimeString Method to convert a time into the internal Excel time format (OAdate without days)
Private methodGetSortedSheetData Method to sort the cells of a worksheet as preparation for the XML document
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Private methodHasPaneSplitting Checks whether pane splitting is applied in the given worksheet
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Private methodNormalizeNewLines Method to normalize all newlines to CR+LF
Public methodSave Method to save the workbook
Public methodSaveAsStream Method to save the workbook as stream
Public methodSaveAsStreamAsync Method to save the workbook as stream asynchronous
Public methodSaveAsync Method to save the workbook asynchronous
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public fieldStatic memberFIRST_ALLOWED_EXCEL_DATE First date that can be displayed by Excel. Real values before this date cannot be processed.
Public fieldStatic memberFIRST_VALID_EXCEL_DATE All dates before this date are shifted in Excel by -1.0, since Excel assumes wrongly that the year 1900 is a leap year.
See also:
Public fieldStatic memberINVARIANT_CULTURE Constant for number conversion. The invariant culture (represents mostly the US numbering scheme) ensures that no culture-specific punctuations are used when converting numbers to strings, This is especially important for OOXML number values See also:
Public fieldStatic memberLAST_ALLOWED_EXCEL_DATE Last date that can be displayed by Excel. Real values after this date cannot be processed.
Public fieldStatic memberMAX_OADATE_VALUE Maximum valid OAdate value (9999-12-31)
Public fieldStatic memberMIN_OADATE_VALUE Minimum valid OAdate value (1900-01-01) However, Excel displays this value as 1900-01-00 (day zero)
See Also