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LowLevelGetInternalPaneSplitWidth Method

Calculates the internal width of a split pane in a worksheet. This width is used only in the XML documents of worksheets and is not exposed to the (Excel) end user

Namespace: PicoXLSX
Assembly: PicoXLSX (in PicoXLSX.dll) Version: 3.4.2+f55916d49ef2baa43fc7dc8f5c7d751a77c50baf
public static float GetInternalPaneSplitWidth(
	float width,
	float maxDigitWidth = 7f,
	float textPadding = 5f


width  Single
Target column(s) width (one or more columns, displayed in Excel).
maxDigitWidth  Single  (Optional)
Maximum digit with of the default font (default is 7.0 for Calibri, size 11).
textPadding  Single  (Optional)
Text padding of the default font (default is 5.0 for Calibri, size 11).

Return Value

The internal pane width, used in worksheet XML documents in case of worksheet splitting.
See Also