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LowLevel Fields

The LowLevel type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberFIRST_ALLOWED_EXCEL_DATE First date that can be displayed by Excel. Real values before this date cannot be processed.
Public fieldStatic memberFIRST_VALID_EXCEL_DATE All dates before this date are shifted in Excel by -1.0, since Excel assumes wrongly that the year 1900 is a leap year.
See also:
Public fieldStatic memberINVARIANT_CULTURE Constant for number conversion. The invariant culture (represents mostly the US numbering scheme) ensures that no culture-specific punctuations are used when converting numbers to strings, This is especially important for OOXML number values See also:
Public fieldStatic memberLAST_ALLOWED_EXCEL_DATE Last date that can be displayed by Excel. Real values after this date cannot be processed.
Public fieldStatic memberMAX_OADATE_VALUE Maximum valid OAdate value (9999-12-31)
Public fieldStatic memberMIN_OADATE_VALUE Minimum valid OAdate value (1900-01-01) However, Excel displays this value as 1900-01-00 (day zero)
See Also