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WorksheetPaneSplitAddress Property

Gets the split address for frozen panes or if pane split was defined in number of columns and / or rows.
For vertical splits, only the column component is considered. For horizontal splits, only the row component is considered.
The value is nullable. If null, no frozen panes or split by columns / rows are applied to the worksheet. However, splitting can still be applied, if the value is defined in characters.
See also: PaneSplitLeftWidth and PaneSplitTopHeight for splitting in characters (without freezing)

Namespace: PicoXLSX
Assembly: PicoXLSX (in PicoXLSX.dll) Version: 3.4.2+f55916d49ef2baa43fc7dc8f5c7d751a77c50baf
public CellAddress? PaneSplitAddress { get; }

Property Value

See Also