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Metadata Properties

The Metadata type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplication Gets or sets the application which created the workbook. Default is PicoXLSX
Public propertyApplicationVersion Gets or sets the version of the creation application. Default is the library version of PicoXLSX. Use the format xxxxx.yyyyy (e.g. 1.0 or 55.9875) in case of a custom value.
Public propertyCategory Gets or sets the category of the document. There are no predefined values or restrictions about the content of this field
Public propertyCompany Gets or sets the company owning the document. This value is for organizational purpose. Add more than one manager by using the semicolon (;) between the words
Public propertyContentStatus Gets or sets the status of the document. There are no predefined values or restrictions about the content of this field
Public propertyCreator Gets or sets the creator of the workbook. Add more than one creator by using the semicolon (;) between the authors
Public propertyDescription Gets or sets the description of the document or comment about it
Public propertyHyperlinkBase Gets or sets the hyper-link base of the document.
Public propertyKeywords Gets or sets the keywords of the workbook. Separate particular keywords with semicolons (;)
Public propertyManager Gets or sets the responsible manager of the document. This value is for organizational purpose.
Public propertySubject Gets or sets the subject of the workbook
Public propertyTitle Gets or sets the title of the workbook
See Also