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CellType Fields

The CellCellType type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberBOOLType for boolean
Public fieldStatic memberDATEType for dates (Note: Dates before 1900-01-01 and after 9999-12-31 are not allowed)
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULTDefault Type, not specified
Public fieldStatic memberEMPTYType for empty cells. This type is only used for merged cells (all cells except the first of the cell range)
Public fieldStatic memberFORMULAType for Formulas (The cell will be handled differently)
Public fieldStatic memberNUMBERType for all numeric types (long, integer, float, double, short, byte and decimal; signed and unsigned, if available)
Public fieldStatic memberSTRINGType for single characters and strings
Public fieldStatic memberTIMEType for times (Note: Internally handled as OAdate, represented by TimeSpan)
Public fieldvalue__ 
See Also