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Font Properties

The StyleFont type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBold Gets or sets a value indicating whether Bold Gets or sets whether the font is bold. If true, the font is declared as bold
Public propertyCharset Gets or sets the char set of the Font (Default is empty)
Public propertyColorTheme Gets or sets the font color theme (Default is 1 = Light)
Public propertyColorValue Gets or sets the color code of the font color. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF Gets or sets the color code of the font color. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyFamily Gets or sets the Family Gets or sets the font family (Default is 2 = Swiss)
Public propertyInternalID Gets or sets the internal ID for sorting purpose in the Excel style document (nullable)
(Inherited from AbstractStyle)
Public propertyIsDefaultFont Gets a value indicating whether IsDefaultFont Gets whether the font is equal to the default font
Public propertyItalic Gets or sets a value indicating whether Italic Gets or sets whether the font is italic. If true, the font is declared as italic
Public propertyName Gets or sets the font name (Default is Calibri)
Public propertyScheme Gets or sets the font scheme (Default is minor)
Public propertySize Gets or sets the font size. Valid range is from 1 to 409
Public propertyStrike Gets or sets a value indicating whether Strike Gets or sets whether the font is struck through. If true, the font is declared as strike-through
Public propertyUnderline Gets or sets the underline style of the font. If set to none no underline will be applied (default)
Public propertyVerticalAlign Gets or sets the alignment of the font (Default is none)
See Also